This trimester consists of weeks 13-27 (This ultra sound was taken at 20 weeks) How far along? 27 Weeks Maternity clothes? I have bought maternity leggings because I hate how tight the band is on normal leggings. And I have bought a few pairs of maternity jeans, so much more comfortable!! Stretch marks? Nope still no stretch marks!! Sleep? I have been able to sleep better now that I do not feel so sick every night(sickness went away at about 16 weeks). The tired level though go down for a little at the beginning if the trimester, but now I am just tired all of the time. Favorite moments? When I felt movement at 16 weeks. When we found out she is a girl!! Moments you will not miss? Being tired. Sciatic and hip pain have been really high during this 2nd trimester, so I will not miss that! Don't get me wrong I do love to feel when the baby moves, but this little girl knows how to pack a punch!...