Every Christmas sense Michael and I got married we have not been able to get a Christmas tree because of school and not being at our apartment for the holidays. When we moved to Oregon we new we were spending Christmas with Michaels family this year, so we got to get a Christmas tree!! I was so excited to finally have a Christmas tree. We obviously still don't have a lot of decorations for it, but that will definitely grow through out the years. Ladies and Gentlemen.... Our First Christmas tree!! I was very proud of it and had the light on every night!! This Christmas was pretty special for Michael and I. On top of getting our first Christmas Tree I just happened to be around 20 weeks pregnant right before Christmas, which meant we got to find out the sex of our baby!!! I could not contain my excitement. Here in this photo I am at 18 weeks and we get to find out what our baby is at 20 weeks, so just in time for Christm...