LOVES: Bath time. Being swaddled to fall asleep. White noise sound machine to fall asleep. Going on walks. Eating ever 3 hours. HATE: Your carseat. Gripe water and Mylicon drops. Her pacifier, she will use it for a little bit and then spit it out. She also gives a grossed out face whenever you try to give it to her. STARTED TO DO/MILE STONES: Lifting her head really good. Moved from newborn diapers to size 1 at 3 weeks old. Still in New born clothes though. THINGS YOU HAVE DONE: Ventured out to the mall at 2 weeks old. And also to some garage sales. Went on a hike to Silver Falls you were 4 weeks old and you slept the whole time. You were blessed at 4 weeks old. THINGS THAT I LOVE: I love how well you eat and sleep. You only wake up once through the night to eat. How much your little brother loves you and loves to hold and give you kisses. How much more of a cuddler you are compared to your brother. How...